Our Process

Q: What is your investment approach?        

A: We determine any investment strategy together with you, based on your unique situation, your current and long term plan and goals and your risk tolerance. We will never implement a strategy that you are not comfortable with.

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Our Process

Whether you have been in business for few years or few dozen;

Whether you have been facing some challenges or thriving;

Whether you have been working with an Accounting, Business or Financial professional;

There are always things that an objective and experienced new set of eyes can help you find and improve or enhance.

In order to do so, we will ask you to provide us with some basic information and once received; we will conduct our Financial and Business Needs Analysis and provide our recommendations to you during a short meeting.

We charge a nominal fee* for our analysis, which may be refunded should you choose to implement at least one of our suggested strategies, however, please note, that there is no obligation from your part to accept any of our suggested strategies.

Contact us to receive the required details!


* Personal Needs Analyses (for individuals and/ or families) are available upon request at no cost.

Q: What type of clients do you specialize in? A: We serve individuals, families, business owners, executives and professionals, whether they are just starting up or well established; as long as they are ready and willing to move forward. Read more