Leveraging – A Powerful Corporate Strategy!
Are you looking for a tax efficient way to access your company’s surplus?
Leveraging strategy allows you to diversify your investments so that your money is not tied up in one investment – your business.
It allows you to build wealth outside your company and accelerate your retirement income, while magnifying your returns.
If you maximized your RRSP contributions and other tax-saving strategies, have strong and stable income, long investment horizon and good credit – This strategy may be for you!
How is it done?
• A Business owner takes out a personal investment loan and invests in personally owned non-registered investments
• The business owner then withdraws money from the corporation to pay the interest on the personal loan by taking additional salary, bonus or dividend
• On their tax return, the Business owner offsets the additional income by claiming the interest expenses they paid for servicing the loan
This strategy allows Business owners utilize corporate funds in a tax efficient way in order to accelerate their personal wealth and to maximize their estate value at death by potentially reducing capital gains exposure.
Email us or call 778-776-4334 to learn more about this powerful strategy!
Bridge to Prosperity is a unique Business and Wealth Management firm. Our goal is to help business owners, professionals and individuals enhance and protect their assets, using advanced tax efficient strategies.